What To Consider When You Buy A Massage Table For Your Business

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As a freelance massage therapist, one of the most important pieces of equipment you will buy is your medical specialty table, or massage table. This table is vital for your business and should have several attributes that are specific to your massage therapy techniques. If you are setting out to buy your first massage therapy table, and you aren't sure where to start, here are some considerations that can help.


The first thing you should consider is the portability of the tables you are looking to purchase. Most medical specialty tables, specifically massage and physical therapy tables, are marked as portable. This can mean anything from they fold and can be moved out of the way, or they can be folded and taken from client space to client space if you are a travelling massage therapist. If you will be travelling from client space to client space, you will likely want a table that folds and can be transported easily due to its weight and carrying options. If you will be in your own space, a folding table that can slide behind a sofa is more ideal.

Function Options

The function of the massage table should also be considered. This may sound like an obvious consideration, but all too often new freelance massage therapists may only think about front and back massage options with the client lying down. The truth is, you will likely have clients that want a sitting massage, reflexology only massage, or who need more support due to their weight or body issues like neck problems. If you want a table that is as versatile as your clients, look for medical specialty tables that can click and lock into various positions to fit the client needs and massage techniques.

Comfort Options

The comfort options are often overlooked when a new therapist moves to buy an upgraded table from their training massage table. You may see a table that is portable enough for your needs and converts to the various levels and styles of massage you need, then decide to buy that table without further consideration. The truth is, you should be looking at the comfort options as well. Look for headrests that are comfortable for your client. Make sure the headrests, neck rests, and even leg rests also convert to your different client needs and body types. Some clients may dislike the full headrest and prefer the neck rest. Make sure you can accommodate these needs.

These are only a few of the main considerations you should keep in mind when you buy your first massage table from a medical speciality table dealer like Tower Medical Systems. By keeping these considerations in mind, you will be able to start narrowing down the right table for your business and your client's needs.
